
07-2024 Giving an invited talk at the International Workshop on Safety-Security Interaction (SENSEI). :woman_teacher:
04-2024 Successfully defended my PhD! #PhDone :mortar_board: :muscle: :sparkles:
02-2024 Presenting our alert-driven attack graph demo at Orange CyberDefense in Utrecht. :woman_teacher:
01-2024 I have an open vacancy for a PhD project. Interested? Get in touch!
01-2024 I’m thrilled to join the SCS group @ Uni. of Twente as assistant professor starting Jan ‘24! :woman_teacher: :sparkles:
11-2023 Visiting Prof. Balzarotti at Eurecom to work on automated malware capability discovery via ML.
10-2023 My experience report on integrating cybersecurity across BSc courses is accepted at SIGCSE! :scroll:
10-2023 Presenting our recent works on alert-driven attack graphs at the ONE Conference 2023! :woman_teacher:
10-2023 My undergrad students will present their theses on learning from infrequent traces at BNAIC! :scroll:
05-2023 Submitted the first draft of my thesis to my promotor! :muscle: :sparkles:
04-2023 Teaching cybersecurity to the Executive MSc. students at Leiden University. :woman_teacher:
03-2023 Hosted WICCA for a meetup for Women in Cybersecurity on “Cybersecurity in the AI age”.
02-2023 Our SoK paper on XAI for cybersecurity has been accepted at EuroS&P! :scroll:
02-2023 Serving as mentoring co-chair for the EuroS&P 2023. :school:
01-2023 Giving a talk about alert-driven attack graphs at the Digital Security group, Radboud University. :woman_teacher:
12-2022 Giving a talk about alert-driven attack graphs at Prof. Stoelinga’s group, University of Twente. :woman_teacher:
11-2022 Panelist for a webinar on MSc. scholarship opportunities in NL organized by the Pakistani embassy.
08-2022 Co-chairing the Cybersecurity Next Generation (CSng 2022) workshop. :school:
06-2022 Giving a talk at the CyberVSR Alumni Panel at RIT. :woman_teacher:
06-2022 Our paper on streaming sequence clustering has been accepted at ECML/PKDD! :scroll:
06-2022 Presenting our work on heterodox methods for interpretable AI at the HMIEAI Workshop. :scroll:
05-2022 Attending the Our Future Leaders programme at the Recess College. :school:
11-2021 Serving as a mentor for the iMentor workshop at ACM-CCS. :woman_teacher:
11-2021 Presenting a poster on Alert-driven Attack Graphs at ACM-CCS. :scroll:
11-2021 Co-chairing the Cybersecurity Next Generation (CSng 2021) workshop. :school:
08-2021 Presenting our work on SAGE at the KDD AI4Cyber workshop. :scroll:
08-2021 Presenting a poster about SAGE at the Machine Learning Summer School. :scroll:
06-2021 Our paper on SAGE has been accepted at VizSec! :scroll:
03-2021 My photo entry about the concept Open won an award during Open Education Week. :trophy:
11-2020 Co-organizing the Cybersecurity Next Generation (CSng 2020) workshop. :school:
05-2020 Acquired the University Teaching Qualification (BKO, in Dutch). :mortar_board: