
“Cyber Security Lecture Series” contains the education material developed as part of the TU Delft CSE teaching team.


"Software Security" (MSc. 201600051)
University of Twente

Guest Lectures

Topic: "Machine Learning for Smart Industry Applications".
[202000028] Smart Industry Systems (MSc.)
University of Twente
Topic: "Introduction to IT and OT Security".
[P1] Intro to Cyber Security (Exec MSc.)
Leiden University
Topic: "Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)".
[CSE2525] Data Mining (BSc.)
TU Delft
Topic: "Using Sequential Traces for Attacker Behavior Analysis".
[CS4035] Cyber Data Analytics (MSc.)
TU Delft
2021 - 2022

Cyber Security Lecture Series (TU Delft)

Topic: "Security Testing - Checking for what shouldn't happen".
[CSE1110] Software Quality and Testing (BSc.)
TU Delft
2019 - 2022
Topic: "Web Security - Exploiting and Mitigating the OWASP Top 10".
[CSE1500] Web and Database Technologies (BSc.)
TU Delft
2019 - 2021
Topic: "Breaking databases via SQL Injection attacks".
[CSE1505] Information and Data Management (BSc.)
TU Delft
2018 - 2023